Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Yesterday was a strange day for me. I woke up so dizzy that I kept bumping into walls. The dizziness made me feel ill so I laid back down. I got to feeling better so I got up; then I felt the wave of yuck come over me, so I quickly lay down again. That was pretty much my entire day. I had to do school from my bed. The kids enjoyed doing something different. I kept having bouts of nauseous come over me so I would send them away for awhile while I rested. To keep my sanity, I did the unthinkable; I let them watch movies, watch television and play video games. Gasp! And during the schoolweek. They loved it! To keep myself occupied I read a book, in between dizzy spells, that I'd been aiming to read for awhile. That was my only work of the day; I thoroughly enjoyed it.

This morning I woke up amazingly refreshed. I have no sign of dizziness today. It must have been a weird virus. Strange. Now I find myself wanting to catch up on everything that I didn't get done yesterday, plus some! I'm dying to accomplish anything. L


SuperMom said...

If you would lay off the booze, you wouldn't have that problem.

Bttrfly1976 said...

lol @ Supermom. Sorry you felt bad, but perhaps it was worth it for the rest. And by the way, reading a book is an accomplishment. ;)