Sunday, November 12, 2006


Sunday. It only comes once a week but how much I love it! I couldn't say that five years ago. In fact, I dreaded church with a passion. I had to push and prod my little ones to get ready. Once I got to church, I would seeth and almost wretch during the sermon. I was full of frustration.

But now, it's different. I wake my children up. If they're still sleepy and slowly creeping out of bed, all I have to say is, "Today is Sunday". Their eyes grow wide with excitement. "It's Sunday?!" They jump out of bed as if their life depended on it and frantically start getting ready. Then they hurry me.

Why is it so different? You might ask. Oh, I could never name the many ways. So I'll just name a few. It's real. People are truthful and gutwrenchingly open. The pastors speak from the heart. They don't preach AT you and they don't yell. They simply share. Everyone is welcome. Really. Not just in word. I leave refreshed and ready to face my week. And, I can wear jeans.

I love Sunday.


Bttrfly1976 said...

I'm still a little taken aback by the 'gutwrenchingly open' part. Especially that they actually want that from me. But real, even if I'm not ready to be that yet, is refreshing, isn't it? What's a little sad is that what makes it so refreshing is that it is realness actually occurring in a church. It should always be so but it seldom is. And, I love the jeans part, too!

LiteratureLover said...

WH - You got me. It's all about the jeans. ;)

Dee said...

hi, just dropping by
wish I could find a church like that.

SuperMom said...

Amen, sistah.

Me, too :-)