Thursday, April 20, 2006

Early Mornings

I haven't written anything serious for awhile because I haven't wanted to. I've had a bit of a rebellious heart. God has been showing me how I've been "eating the bread of idleness". I love to sleep, and I would much rather plan things than actually do the work. I'm lazy. I admit it. And it's wrong. So my conviction grew until I finally repented.

"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed." Mark 1:35 Jesus did that?! Hmmm.

"At daybreak Jesus went out to a solitary place." Luke 4:42
I love that word, solitary. For me, it translates, "alone" and I love to be alone.

"She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls." Proverbs 31:14 My servant girls are my dishwasher, coffee maker, crockpot, oven, washer and dryer.

"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." Psalm 5:3

This is from the Message translation because I love how it's worded:
"First thing in the morning, she dresses for work, rolls up her sleeves, eager to get started." Proverbs 31:17 Eager? Well, God's working on me.

Starting this last Monday, I've been getting up at 5:00a.m. Shocking, I know. But as much as I hate to admit it, this night owl is beginning to enjoy her mornings. It's been such a jumpstart beginning my day with an hour to read, study and pray uninterrupted. Then I'm wide awake and able to get completely ready from head to shoe (she dresses for work). I begin my morning "workout" by swishing and swiping the bathroom before I leave it. I rush to the kitchen and get my "servant girls" started. I set the timer and hurry to tidy up all the hot spots that seem to collect clutter. I run through the front rooms (kids are still sleeping so I don't want to go into their rooms yet) throwing away any trash and collecting things that belong in another room for the kids to put away. My blood is pumping now and I grab a load of laundry to fold or put into the washer. I hurry to put clothes away. I start breakfast and begin working on dinner. By now it's time to get the kids up so I wake them and set the timer for 30 minutes while they do their morning chores. I rush back to the kitchen to set the table then check on dinner and laundry. I review my calendar to see what is ahead for the day and prepare anything needed for school. By the time my kids come to the table I am ready for another cup of coffee and I rejoice that my morning "workout" is done.

It's nothing short of a miracle for this sleepyhead!


janiners said...

that is really wonderful and so very encouraging! you are a marathon-runner in your own right, busy momma! i can hardly wait to be home - be a mommy, be a homemaker, and just generally enjoy doing something different and so very wonderful! i'm so glad you are making time in the mornings for the Lord. that's very convicting for me to read. thank you for the scriptural reminders.

SuperMom said...

THERE YOU ARE!!! I wondered where you were.

Eager? Ouch.

Man, it is hard to roll out of bed. But those days when you can do it and get all that done makes you feel so good. I'm proud of you!! I see you working hard to overcome those struggles. Girl, you are an inspiration.

My bed has been made every day for a month now. I think it's time we celebrated.

LiteratureLover said...

Janiners - It'll be so much fun!! I'm so happy for you.

SM - A whole month?! Good girl!! Could the celebration involve coffee?

heartsjoy said...

That is amazing! I have really seen God doing a work in your life and inpiring me through you!! I loved the verses...well,most of them...I laughed at your servant girls but I like that visual! I am with you on this new re-forming night owl...well, still being reformed...Way to Go!

SuperMom said... You're speaking my language.

Michelle- This One's for the Girls said...

Man, I am feeling like the major sloth just READING that post. I think you're inspiring me to get up earlier.

Are you guys going to have a party without me??? Waahhhhh.

joyfuljourney said...

Ouch is right! This hits hard! I have felt convicted about this very thing for months. You are doing exactly what I know God's been telling me to do, but I just won't! I am missing out on such a huge blessing.

I keep thinking that if I'll get to bed earlier (HA!) that it will be easier to get up earlier. But your sweet mom is probably right - it's the other way around! Getting up early makes you go to bed early!

Wow - discipline is no fun!

C. H. Green said...

Man, I sure wish I could develop this habit. You are so productive. I found you through the six random things meme. Just wanted to stop in and say hi. Come visit me sometime.