Wednesday, March 08, 2006

No Condemnation

No condemnation - those two little words have so much packed into them. Last week was depressing. I couldn't shake it. So by the weekend I had to take a good long look to see what was going on. I found it. It was my old "failure routine". You know, that montage of failures that replays itself everytime you mess up. This is going to sound weird but, I realized that I hadn't forgiven myself. God was gracious to remind me that Jesus did not come into this world to condemn the world. So why was I still condemning myself? Yes, I still mess up. I'm sinful. But I don't have to stay connected to my failures for all eternity. I can let it go.

That afternoon, I ran an errand to the eyeglass place to get my glasses fixed and adjusted. I was having one of those, "I feel fat" days. My condeming thoughts started again. "You look ridiculous in those jeans."
"You're never going to get this weight off." "People are staring at you." "I hate this body." Then I realized what was happening and in my mind I said, "Stop!" I stopped. My heart answered all those yucky thoughts with, "Yes, I am overweight, but God is helping me in that area. And yes, I might not look like a teenage model but doggone it, this body has served me well! It carried three beautiful children for nine months each and then birthed them. My legs take me anywhere I need to go. My arms have hugged countless people and worked hard at making my house a home. Even my tushy has given me adequate comfort while I sit. In fact, this body has been wonderfully made and I should be thankful for it. Maybe, I actually like it! So there."

The thoughts were silent. No condemnation.


Sarah said...

Oh, Satan attacks inside our heads, doesn't he? You did a great job of "taking captive every thought" to make it obedient to Christ! I'm proud of you!

SuperMom said...

WAY TO GO, GIRL!! You are a lovely woman, inside and out. Don't ever let yourself believe anything different.
Love you :-)

Michelle- This One's for the Girls said...

Preach it, sister! I've been feeling so fat lately and that blog did me a world of good. "This body has served me well..." I'm going to remember that one.

joyphil413 said...

GOD BLESS YOU!!! I love that your heart won the battle!!! I also love the GOD perspective about your wonderfullly made self!!! It was one to share with many!!!I am a friend of your sweet mama and I love reading you and your sisters blogs... I thought of a book your Mom used some, Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer... I think this would be one you might like... Great share!!!

joyphil413 said...

OOOPPPSSS!!! I am a friend of both your parents!!! GOD LOVES THEM AND SO DO I!!! : )

LiteratureLover said...

Sarah - yes, he does! Thank you for your encouraging words.

Supermom - you're sweet.

TOFTG - Laughing, sometimes we have to preach to ourselves, huh?

WH - Dad, thank you for your kind words.

JoyPhil413 - Welcome to my blog. I'm glad your friends with both my parents. ;)