Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Top Five Reasons I Homeschool

In the homeschooling movement, there are many reasons why people homeschool. I would like to share some of mine.

Five Reasons I Homeschool:

1. To live a missional life.
I know that sounds like a contradiction to some, so let me explain. As my kindergartener enters the school realm, they are usually not a believer yet. For them to be "sent" is not an option. Only believers are sent. I see missional homeschooling as teaching them the missional life under my guidance and example. We live out the gospel together as a family. When I go to take a meal to someone, they help me prepare it and come along for the delivery. When Daddy helps out at John 3:16, they go along to help. When a friend is in crisis and comes over to talk, they understand to play quietly in the back so that we can have privacy. When Daddy helps a homeless person find shelter and food, they learn from his example. When we give to someone in need, they learn to get creative with our "fun" times to stretch the dollars. We discuss God and His Word when we rise to do our morning chores, when we walk (in nature or about the house), and when we sit for reading or table time. We are sent out as a family and they each begin to find their own missional life within that. Then, as they become mature in their discipleship and faith, then I will send them out alone.

2. Because I only have 18 years. This reason is kind of selfish. But it's true. The season is short and I want every minute that I can get!

3. Because I am their Mom. There are so many incredible teachers out there that know much more than I will ever know. They teach amazingly well and I am grateful or else I would not love literature and history the way I do. But there is one thing that they can never be to my kids and that is, Mom. No one is going to love my children as much as me or know them as well as me. Maybe that sounds braggy but I feel it's true. I have watched their little hearts and lives grow from birth. I know when they're struggling, excited, embarrassed, sad and I can depend on God to show me how to minister to them in those moments. They are my little disciples (as scary as that thought is) and I want to point them to God. I wish I was a perfect example but I'm not. My imperfections give me plenty of opportunities to teach them that in my weak moments I must humble myself and ask forgiveness or give restitution if it's needed.

4. To make disciples. More than anything, I long for my children to be passionate for God and His word. I love being the first one to share the stories from the Great Story, the Bible. My heart leaps when they ask many questions and seek to know more. I hope that they will search for God as they would hunt for hidden treasure.

5. For the fire in their eyes. There is something so intimate when a child makes a new discovery that will forever change their world. It happens when they're young as they take their first steps and then their first run. But I have seen a fire in their eyes even greater these moments. When suddenly they are not just sounding out words, they are reading! Then they read something that stirs or shakes them and they come to me with questions. Or perhaps, everything suddenly makes sense. Those are the moments that I would never give back! I love seeing the fire in their eyes.

In the end, I pray that they will have the courage to face what comes, the wisdom to worship God and turn back to Him quickly when they fail, the hope that this life is worth giving up for the one to come and the conviction that others are worth loving because they are precious to God.


heartsjoy said...

Wow sis, that was put so beautifully and I couldn't agree more!

heather said...

you and supermom are both so amazing. i am not sure i would have the patience or even have enough faith in myself to homeschool. i was actually wondering how the missional life and homeshcooling worked together, but you have made some sense of it! although homeschooling is probably not for us, i am so blown away at those who keep up with it! have any openings in your class? ;)

janiners said...

reading this was such an encouragement to me! I think you did a great job of describing the passion and reason behind the missional life Christ has given you. The last part you wrote about - the fire in their eyes - is very close to the reason why I want to be a high school English teacher and brought me to tears. thanks for sharing your heart with us and for your passion and enthusiasm for the missional life you are called to live.

Michelle- This One's for the Girls said...

I love homeschooling and I share much of your reasoning. I really wish that all 5 of mine could still be at home and I miss the days when the older ones were little. We spent so many days on the couch with good books... (I'm a Sonlight/Classical schooler.)

I am cherishing the days with Anna and Jane at home. They vanish quickly...