Thursday, December 15, 2005

Jumble Mumble LOST

The last few days have been full of cleaning up my chaotic house. We are having a Christmas party at our house on Sunday night. Yesterday a sweet friend came over to help me and we worked hard to see lots of progress. I still have the bathrooms to scrub down and my room to straighten but most of the house is in order.

We interrupt this program for a new development. Picture my little Mister's face in front of mine moving back and forth blocking the computer saying, "Come see it! Come see it!!" over and over again. He started counting, "1,2, 3,..." thinking it would work with me like it works with him. L He was dying for me to see a block tower he had made. I stopped to go see it and it was really cool! Then he knocked it down because he said he didn't want to keep it, he just wanted me to see it. I'm beginning to think I need to focus on the fruit of the spirit called PATIENCE!!

Okay, back to the story at hand. Let's see, what was I saying? Ah, yes, cleaning. Well, as interesting as that subject was, I think I'll change it. Yesterday was Little Mister and Little Lady's last day of gymnastics for this year. It was Parent's day to come watch. Hubby came and we were allowed to be in the room WITH the children (usually we are in another room watching through windows to keep from distracting). It was so fun. Little Mister was acting so funny since Daddy was watching. It was almost like he was overachieving. He was doing everything in double time. Finally the teacher, getting cracked up, told him to slow it down. He did amazing. Little Lady then had her class and we watched her do incredible things on the high bars, the balance beams and the long trampoline. She was adorable. Her eyes were more focused on me. She kept smiling for all the pictures I was taking (yes, my friends and relatives, I DO break that camera out every once in a while).

My only regret is that the television series LOST continues to have re-runs. I had thought after my hard day's work yesterday that I would get to find out new developments to the story but much to my dismay, it was ANOTHER re-run. Come on people! Daniel, my friend, I'm sorry but I'm about to ditch LOST if they don't start running some new ones. Maybe we could start watching Apprentice with Martha Stewart...


LiteratureLover said...

Okay! I can hang on knowing that. My curiosity will get the best of me. :-) Thanks for the update!

janiners said...

you guys are hilarious! you really are both addicted! :-) i guess i've missed LOST for so long that it just doesn't matter that much to me anymore. (don't even gasp!) i think over my Christmas break, I'll rent the first season and fill in all the gaps in my mind that got us to the second season. maybe then, i'll catch the LOST fever again. :-)

LiteratureLover said...

Yeah, then you can join us! Actually, you're probably better off because you haven't had to wait through the reruns. ;-)

heartsjoy said...

Laughing hard, thank you for the mental picture of little mister and the good laugh. He is so funny and cracking me up So much lately. Your description is so perfect! Then crashing it and the patience..haha. I also got so tickled when you were getting back to the subject of cleaning but decided it wasn't exciting enough and then how we hear the beautiful depiction of watching your children achievements, their glints of joy and delight, your pictures, the moment!! THen right into Oh, the tangled webs we weave!;)

SuperMom said...

ACK!! Don't you dare start watching Martha! Besides, I heard it got cancelled.